nā moʻo
With every new project, WCIT approaches design individually as we seek to explore each project’s unique opportunities and possibilities. Research is an important first step in this process. A thorough investigation in the past and present conditions (yesterday and today) will provide the basis for which we will begin to formulate our master plan and design proposals (tomorrow).
Storytelling is an integral aspect of our design approach. Through the environments we create, built or in landscapes, we strive to achieve an inspired, coherent plan that subtly yet effectively conveys the story of the place, its people and their culture. Our design approach to this effort will look to discover an uniquely appropriate solution that combines a proper and dutiful respect of its setting, explores necessary historical and cultural inspirations, incorporates indigenous and global sustainable strategies in meaningful and interactive ways, and has community at its core through the creation of a series of vibrant spaces and places for activity and interaction.

artwork by solomon enos.
Moʻo Methodology
Acknowledging our connection to the past, grounding us in the present
and guiding our future.




artwork by native hawaiian artist solomon enos.
A native Hawaiian born and raised in Hilo, Rob continues to discover and embrace the depths and traditions of the island’s heritage. He is a respected advocate and creative interpreter of culture, most notably that of the host Hawaiian culture, but also that of the diverse ethnicities of Hawaii. Through this appreciation and passion for culture and a keen understanding of the nuances of local sensibilities, Rob has developed into one of the most sought-after designers in the islands and one of the leading and most successful planning and entitlement professionals in Hawaii.
Through this skill set, Rob demonstrates a unique ability to plan, design, and implement sophisticated and complex development proposals and sustainable strategies – proposals and strategies that strive to create uniquely special places and environments that are rooted in the Hawaiian way of life.
artwork by solomon enos.